corporate hypnotherapy...Corporate Hypnotherapy supports your corporate wellbeing initiative and works with you to promote health and wellbeing in the workplace.
It's no secret that there has been a shift in corporate organisations to move from focusing on illness to instead promoting wellbeing in the workplace. With the need to have an effective programme in place that encourages employees to grow and perform to their best ability. |
ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) advises that employers have a duty of care to their employees and should take any reasonable steps to ensure health and wellbeing. They also advise when staff wellbeing is undermined it can affect a number of performance factors that can include:
Sickness and Absenteeism | Low Morale and Negative Environment | Conflict between colleagues and managers | Increased Mistakes and Reduced Production | High Level of 'Presenteeism' where an employee is at work but is unable to perform due to physical or mental health problems.
When your employees are stressed or their wellbeing is compromised, it reduces both their performance and effectiveness. Therapy in the City focuses on your employees wellbeing and stress management, providing one to one sessions and group workshops on site to help you maintain those critical factors to your business:
Corporate Hypnotherapy:
One to One Sessions - confidential sessions for individuals to help them deal with stress, anxiety and any other negative thoughts or behaviours that could be impeding on their performance at work. Sessions can be held onsite as part of an arranged weekly clinic or via a corporate referral to my clinic.
Group Workshops - small group sessions dealing with stress, anxiety and relaxation. Sessions can be split for employees and managers.
Stop Smoking Programme - smoking breaks are estimated to cost UK businesses £8.4bn a year due to reduced productivity. In addition smokers tend to have extra sick leave and increased health risks. Indirectly it can also impact your business should you lose key people due to smoking related illness, it's also potentially an increased fire risk and of course the resentment from non smokers due to all those smoking breaks that over the week, month and year mount up!
As a trained Smoking Cessation Advisor I have run numerous stop smoking workshops within companies and offer a fully supported stop smoking corporate programme that you can offer your employees on site. Supporting your employees to quit not only promotes your wellbeing initiative but will also benefit your organisation in terms of productivity.
If you would like to discuss booking a corporate programme, please email me at [email protected] for further details and corporate rates.
- Performance
- Business Effectiveness
- Productivity
- Profit
Corporate Hypnotherapy:
One to One Sessions - confidential sessions for individuals to help them deal with stress, anxiety and any other negative thoughts or behaviours that could be impeding on their performance at work. Sessions can be held onsite as part of an arranged weekly clinic or via a corporate referral to my clinic.
Group Workshops - small group sessions dealing with stress, anxiety and relaxation. Sessions can be split for employees and managers.
Stop Smoking Programme - smoking breaks are estimated to cost UK businesses £8.4bn a year due to reduced productivity. In addition smokers tend to have extra sick leave and increased health risks. Indirectly it can also impact your business should you lose key people due to smoking related illness, it's also potentially an increased fire risk and of course the resentment from non smokers due to all those smoking breaks that over the week, month and year mount up!
As a trained Smoking Cessation Advisor I have run numerous stop smoking workshops within companies and offer a fully supported stop smoking corporate programme that you can offer your employees on site. Supporting your employees to quit not only promotes your wellbeing initiative but will also benefit your organisation in terms of productivity.
If you would like to discuss booking a corporate programme, please email me at [email protected] for further details and corporate rates.
corporate training and business coaching...
Therapy in the City has teamed up with The Gray Consultancy to provide you with expert business coaching and corporate training programmes for individuals and organisations.
We believe successful coaching is founded on the quality of the relationship between you and your coach, the equal and mutual commitment between both parties and an open understanding and acceptance that this relationship is a partnership.
Coaching will help you to focus on your business and career goals, providing you with the motivation and drive you need to make those self-improvements. Even the smallest of changes can help you stay on top and reach your aspirations.
The Gray Consultancy will challenge your thinking, unlock your potential and help you to question your own attitudes and behaviour... ultimately helping you to improve your performance.
Coaching first and foremost is about helping you succeed and can result in:
Coaching is for everyone, why not Book your individual session today and improve your career, exceed your goals and improve your potential. Fee: £50.00 per hour (can be delivered on site)
We believe successful coaching is founded on the quality of the relationship between you and your coach, the equal and mutual commitment between both parties and an open understanding and acceptance that this relationship is a partnership.
Coaching will help you to focus on your business and career goals, providing you with the motivation and drive you need to make those self-improvements. Even the smallest of changes can help you stay on top and reach your aspirations.
The Gray Consultancy will challenge your thinking, unlock your potential and help you to question your own attitudes and behaviour... ultimately helping you to improve your performance.
Coaching first and foremost is about helping you succeed and can result in:
- Greater Self-Awareness
- Increased Confidence
- Enhanced Self-Esteem
- Greater Sense of Responsibility
- Greater Sense of Achievement
Coaching is for everyone, why not Book your individual session today and improve your career, exceed your goals and improve your potential. Fee: £50.00 per hour (can be delivered on site)
Corporate Courses
One Day Conflict Management Course
'Become the Change' - Embracing Continuous Improvement in the Workplace
Business Continuity and Risk Management
Motivational Management
Training is delivered on-site at your company for groups of 8-20 delegates and costs £100.00 per delegate for a full day training course.
One Day Conflict Management Course
'Become the Change' - Embracing Continuous Improvement in the Workplace
Business Continuity and Risk Management
Motivational Management
Training is delivered on-site at your company for groups of 8-20 delegates and costs £100.00 per delegate for a full day training course.
© Therapy in the City 2007-2015. All rights reserved. The Gray Consultancy Mind Detox Courses