Our lives consist of an intricate layer of connections, understanding these interactions can help us to resolve conflict and improve our relationships with both ourselves and others.
How you feel about 'You' can impact your current and future relationships... Your self worth and ability to trust and love, can be directly influenced by toxic relationships and unresolved insecurities. If you want to change your relationships, you need to first start with yourself. Learn to love yourself and let go of those negative emotions and beliefs. Relationship issues you may be experiencing include: |
Therapy can help you love from the inside out, to work through and release those internal conflicts that have been detrimental to those important relationships in your life and with yourself. Building your confidence, helping you get in touch with your inner fears and anxieties and create new and positive changes. Your sessions can enable you to:
- Release negative emotions
- Change your limiting beliefs on past, current or future relationships
- Help you gain a new perspective on your relationship
- Recapture the lost feelings of love, friendship and commitment.
- Re-experience past memories in a more positive way.
- Learn relaxation techniques allowing you to be calm around each other.
- Develop a self belief that builds on your confidence and ability to create new and successful relationships.
When we bond with another person who brings toxicity into our relationship, we can be subjected to emotional and psychological trauma as well as experiencing, fear and grief from the separation. If we try to avoid or deny the trauma and grief, we risk locking ourselves into the loss and unhealed wounds.
This can lead to underestimating the impact of relationship trauma and instead blaming it on our own failings, despairing that nothing will change and ultimately resulting in a loss of self and the ability to trust in both ourselves and others.
This can lead to underestimating the impact of relationship trauma and instead blaming it on our own failings, despairing that nothing will change and ultimately resulting in a loss of self and the ability to trust in both ourselves and others.
Trauma affects both the mind and body, impacting not only those directly exposed to it but also those around them. Symptoms that can be addressed with therapy include:
The breakdown of a marriage or the loss of a significant relationship can leave you with feelings of pain, sorrow and an overwhelming emotion of fear that you have no way of rebuilding your life without that person in it. Grieving for that lost relationship is normal and is a natural and healthy response to loss and will normally run it's course with the support of friends and family.
However, for some the impact from this loss can lead to long lasting and ultimately damaging negative emotions such as self loathing, negative self-image and depression (most commonly reactive depression triggered by the stress of the divorce/separation). These symptoms can block your path to recovery if you are unable to detach and move on from the deep rooted emotions associated with the loss. If suffering from reactive depression after a break-up you may experience:
Harbouring negative emotions can increase your distress, causing you more pain and making it difficult to find the strength to move forward and make a new life. More often than not you may not know how to let go of those painful feelings and find yourself living in the past and dwelling on what could have been and not what can be!
At Therapy in the City I can work with you to help process, release and move beyond your overwhelming emotions, release those limiting and negative beliefs and reprogram your thoughts to enable you to move forward, enjoy your life, transform the pain and finally give you the control back and confidence to start a new chapter in your life! Book your first session now at [email protected] and take the first step on the new path ahead of you. |
PTRS can occur after a damaging intimate relationship, when you have been traumatised by physical, sexual or severe emotional abuse (abandonment, betrayal, malevolent intent or repeated victimisation). Symptoms can include:
Exposure to prolonged verbal or emotional abuse can be enough to trigger PTRS. This type of relationship abuse can be subtle to start but when consistently exposed to verbal attacks or threatened with consequences if you want to leave, this disorder can develop.
If you think you may be suffering from PTRS, it is likely you are using ‘emotion-focused coping’ meaning that you will be thinking obsessively about the past trauma. This can affect how you function in your daily life and create severe mistrust. Relationship Trauma, including PTRS if left unresolved, can mean we carry that repressed pain into our new and future intimate relationships. This can make building and engaging in a healthy and loving relationship difficult. Relationship Therapy can help you to learn to trust yourself and others again. Helping you to take back control of your life, release the residues and pains from previous traumatic events and shift your focus from the past to the present. Working together, you will be empowered to reduce and/or eliminate those trauma symptoms, learn to love and respect yourself again. More importantly trust in yourself and reclaim control back over your life.
Sometimes the way out is the way through. You can find meaning through struggle and pain, it’s time to write a new narrative to your life… If you have experienced relationship trauma and would like to find self empowerment, please contact me to discuss or book your session. |
Please note the above list does not constitute a diagnosis of your condition or symptom. If you have concerns regarding your health or well being you should seek advice from your doctor or GP in the first instance if you are worried about a serious condition or health problem.